As we begin to develop a plan for effectively using the Figure 8 method to help kids learn Scripture, a few families have agreed to be guinea pigs. Our goal is to adapt the method without ending up with an entirely new way for kids to memorize Scripture. In fact, more truly, we are aiming mostly to simplify the existing plan, making it more accessible for the little learners around us.
For those families who are helping us, we ask you to commit to follow the plan for 8 straight days. If you fall off the wagon, get back on as quickly as possible. Here are the few steps to follow:
1. Print the Scripture memory sheet for the first chapter of a book of the Bible. (Remember that you will only use the first 8 verses.)
2. You will read all 8 verses aloud to your children, 8 times per day. The best way is to use the top of each hour as a reminder to read the Scripture aloud. If your kids school and home schedule does not allow for 8 readings a day, attempt as many as you can. Start at the first moment in the morning, and work to follow the plan all the way until bed-time.
3. Each morning, spend 10 minutes discussing with your children one key truth you are learning from the passage. On day 1, find a key truth to discuss from verse one. On day 2, highlight a key truth from verse 2. And so on…
4. Each night before bed, pray about what you are learning from each verse. Again, on night 1, pray about the truth of verse one. On night 2, pray about the truth of verse 2. And so on…
5. After the 8 days are complete, ask you child if he or she would like to try to recite as much as he/she can remember of the 8 verses. Remind your child this is not a test and there is no grade. It is just a way to celebrate how God is helping us learn His word, even if we can only remember a little.
After you are through, please email us with a brief account of how this exercise went for you and how you could improve on it next time.
Thank so much for your help!!